
Working Papers

Itinerant Kings

Travel Speed over the Longue Durée

Magna Carta
(with Mark Koyama and Desiree Desierto)

Did the Great Leveling Begin After 1921?
(with Vincent Geloso and Patrick Fitzsimmons)
Revise and Resubmit.

Selected Works in Progress

A Theory of Special Legislation and Its Decline
(with Slade Mendenhall)

Islam, Trade, and the Rise of Northwestern Europe
(with Marcus Shera)

The Spanish Inquisition
(with Patrick Fitzsimmons and Henry Thompson)

Refereed Publications

From Hume to Smith on the Common Law and English Liberty: A Comment on Paul Sagar
Econ Journal Watch, 2022

Classical Liberals on ‘Social Justice’
(with Marcus Shera)
Economic Affairs, 2020